rlm Using the Internet to Make Your Life Easier

Web Maintenance

Once you have a web site, you'll need someone who can quickly make the updates that you need for you site.  RLM specializes in turning maintenance updates around quickly.  Many updates can be done within an hour or two of receiving the information from you. RLM can turn updates around very quickly.

Ways to Work with RLM

What's the best way to get updates done on your web site?  Here are some ways to send updates to RLM:

  • Send an email with the URL of the page or pages you want changed and what you want to change on each page.
  • Write up changes in a word processing document and email as an attachment
  • Print out the pages to change, mark them up, and fax them to the RLM efax.

Since we are currently making changes to over 75 web sites, it is always a good idea to give us as much information as possible so we can make your change as quickly as possible.  We bill web maintenance in 15 minute increments and we can do a lot of updates in 15 minutes.


© 1996-2014 r. l. martin & associates, inc.
1059 Fairfield Avenue, Windsor, CO 80550
office/mobile 970.219.2605 • email web@rlmartin.com